Does CommonApp essay have to be..well.. an essay?

<p>Let's say you're feeling a bit unconventional... must you submit something that contains a well-organized intro, body, conclusion... perhaps a vivid, mesmerizing story with a point... well-formed sentences... you know, an essay?</p>

<p>What about a poem? A script? Song lyrics? A fictional story? or maybe something completely unique and out there that does not really have a name to be called by?</p>

<p>I ask because... don't colleges use the CommonApp personal statement as a means to gauge your writing abilities (like, your typical AP English class essay writing abilities... not your movie script writing abilities)? Would it be disadvantageous to eliminate this opportunity to show your writing abilities for the sake of possibly revealing more about yourself and standing out?</p>

<p>“fictional story” is definitely off the list. The essay serves as an insight into your personality. At the same time, it judges your creativity, your out-of-the-box approach to writing (if any), and your way with words.</p>

<p>And in response to your question: of COURSE it’s possible to be creative with your essay. Just don’t go way overboard, and remember to portray yourself honestly. They want to see your sensitive, humorous, HUMAN side. And if you show them your ground-breaking-novelist side in the process, then there’s really nothing like it.</p>