Does Davis even look at the essays?

<p>I was looking at the UC Davis admission score sheet ([ucd</a> score - Google Docs](<a href=“]ucd”> and there are no points for the essays. Does UC Davis even look at the essays?</p>

Yes they do.</p>

<p>I believe that they look at the essay solely to identify situations that warrant points in the formula for admissions, not to consider it as an example of writing but simply to glean facts. </p>

<p>With a formula that creates a point value and a cutoff that determines the admission decision, without a category to rate the essay, there would be no way to convert an opinion of the essay into an action that materially changes the admissions decision.</p>

<p>The essays don’t matter if you are ELC.</p>

<p>As a general rule, the essays you submit to private colleges are for more important to your chances of admission than are the essays you submit to UCs. Don’t sweat it if your UC essays weren’t great.</p>

<p>^^ but they were great =(</p>

<p>Then that’s a good thing, gat0r.</p>

<p>I added the sadface because I spend a lot of time on those essays, and since I’m not from a disadvantaged background, it seems like they won’t help my admission. that’s what i was tryin to say.</p>

<p>well, they might get you a surprise admit from UCLA or Cal if they are really great. Those two schools do look at the essay the way you wish that UCD would.</p>

<p>yup, because of my great essays I am expecting/hopeful about ucb and ucla, but have doubts on ucsd and others.</p>

<p>No. UC Davis is on the point system. The essays are only looked at to see if you qualify for any additional points for the "special circumstances category. You could actually get in without submitting essays.</p>

<p>what type of overall number should you aim for to get into davis?</p>

<p>last year it seemed to be about 8000 according to posters on this forum</p>

<p>Where is the wild west these days?</p>