<p>I'm not sure if any of you know what DCI is (Drum Corps International), if not it is like a professional marching band that takes a lot hard work and dedication. They compete with other international drum corps. It is very legit. Each Corps goes on tour all summer; they travel all over the east coast. My description of it doesn't do it justice so here is the link to their website; they describe it so much better
Drum</a> Corps International :: Marching Music's Major League? </p>
<p>anyway, im not sure if i want to commit this much to doing a drum corps. I've done my high schools marching band for three years, and a lot of my friends have gone to Drum Corps and loved it. I am very good at marching band, and i know i would succeed in drum corps but it consumes a lot of time. </p>
<p>Do you think colleges will be impressed by this, or should i spend my next summer doing something more academic, like the summer program at University of Pittsburgh?</p>
<p>I think being in DCI is pretty impressive! I recently went to a DCI show and it’s absolutely amazing how much time these guys put in to the band and how great they look and sound. I think if you can include the fact that you guys pretty much rehearse and tour all summer and compete on a national level, colleges will be impressed. And if you like marching band, DCI seems like a really fun thing to do. And I think colleges will like that you’ve done marching band and DCI because it shows you’ve got a passion for something. So just do what you think you’d like more!</p>
<p>DCI is incredibly impressive, if you show commitment to an activity that is often overlooked (marching band) then it’s great. Every time I see DCI performances, it amazes me. If you love marching, then go for it - rather show commitment to DCI than spend a summer somewhere you don’t want to be. Academics isn’t everything!</p>
<p>I need some more leadership ECs but do you think if i did this instead of one leadership EC next summer that would be okay? i will still do as many as i can during the school year.</p>