<p>I sent my application one month ago and I still have not received an email notifying me that it has been recieved....</p>
<p>Not that I know of. You are supposed to get a letter in the mail with a verification code which you then enter into the Duke admissions website to activate your account. With your account, you can check the status of the various parts of your application as well as the decision later on.</p>
<p>^^They send you an email with this information; I got mine less than a week after I applied. If you recently turned yours in, then it will probably take longer to get it because it is closer to the deadline than when I turned mine in a month ago. It just says like “Duke VIP application checklist username and password”</p>
<p>But mine did not work, and said “not received” for everything, so I called them yesterday and they said that they had received everything.</p>
<p>In other words, if you are really worried call them, because the checklist might not even work (as was the case for me)</p>
<p>^the checklist did not work for me either at first. but i gave it like 4 or 5 days and all of the sudden it said they had received everything.</p>
<p>well back in my day (like 3 years ago) I got the verification code by mail. I guess they’ve finally progressed into the 21st century (or at least the 20th)</p>
<p>i got an email that they received my app the next day, but theres no code or anything on it.</p>
<p>^you can register yourself on the duke VIP page once you get that email.</p>
<p>[Duke</a> University:VIP Page](<a href=“http://emt.askadmissions.net/duke/Vip/OpenPages/ForgotPassword.aspx]Duke”>http://emt.askadmissions.net/duke/Vip/OpenPages/ForgotPassword.aspx)</p>
<p>I submitted my supplement and commonapp last night and have already received a “verification” e-mail from Duke.</p>
<p>mine didnt work, do you have to turn in your supplement and app? because I turned in my app yesterday, then got the email, and turned in my supplement today.</p>
<p>register at the VIP page in the above link. then you can check your status.</p>
<p>ooh I should probably call again, cause I wonder if because my stuff isn’t showing up, if they won’t offer me an interview?</p>
<p>Does anyone know how long after you submit that they will offer an interview? (sorry to OP for hijacking this thread momentarily)</p>
<p>Um, they sent me an email before dec 10 saying that you had to submit your common app (not supplement) by Dec 10 to be eligible for an interview. I think.</p>
<p>I was accepted Early Decision, and was sent my email with the pin about 2 weeks after I applied. I think that they send out the majority of those emails after the deadline. No worries, because probably for the whole month of January, they are organizing applications in the mail room, etc. They will contact you as soon as they know you are missing pieces of your application, and will give you plenty of time to resend it. Duke Undergraduate Admissions truly has you, the applicant, in its best interest, and I have yet to hear about someone who has been “screwed over” by Duke admissions.<br>
WORD OF CAUTION: on the website, one of the checklist items is “Teacher rec(s).” That means that the item will be checked and considered complete with only ONE rec. Duke considers your application complete with only one rec, although they strongly encourage two. I called around Mid-november to double check that everything was in like it said on my VIP account, and it turned out that they were missing one of my teacher recs. I told my teacher the next day and she refaxed it in (she had mailed it about a month earlier, so the admissions office might have misplaced it). Duke was very helpful and understanding, and they obviously did not put a black tick next to my name because I got accepted :). </p>
<p>Good luck with your applications. Hopefully I will see you all at Duke next year!
p.s- excuse my terrible spelling and grammar. I am on my iPod touch i recently got, and I am still trying to figure out how it works.</p>
<p>I tried to register by putting in my email, but they said they didn’t have my email address in the system… I got the email saying they have my application, but there is no password/pin</p>
<p>I got the login information this morning and according to the checklist, the only thing missing is the teacher recommendations. My teachers submitted recs in October online via the common app (although GC sent everything paper). When preparing the Duke application, I split the app (after the recommendations had been submitted) and added the teachers back in. The status on Common App still said that the recommendations were submitted. Duke notes that they will contact you mid-February if there are individual items that need to be addressed. I also noticed on the Common App that the teacher recs show status submitted while everything else shows status downloaded.</p>
<p>Does anyone have experience with this or should I call them? I can’t wait till February! Thanks.</p>
<p>Florida1991, give Duke a bit of time to process the gigantic number of applications they no doubt received. </p>
<p>The problem is, even though you may have sent your teacher recommendations electronically, that does not mean that they will file it more quickly. All it means is that they currently have it stored electronically on their files, but may not have sorted through the applications they received during the winter break. </p>
<p>I’d recommend checking in mid-January and if it’s still not processed contact them to see if there really was a processing error. </p>
<p>Good luck =).</p>
<p>sooo… I checked my status thing and it says its missing my SSR’s and teacher recs (sent snail mail) but I verified with my school that they sent it. Should I just wait a few days before calling or call now? I’m pretty sure they’d let me resend it anyways, but I’d rather not.</p>