does essay content matter?

<p>i know colleges want to see who you are as a person and all, but does the content and mood of the essay matter? what if you write a great essay that's somewhat dark/pessimistic? or you wirte about how you overcame bulimia (not that i did, just an example), but it still has a negative impact on you? </p>

<p>sure, adcom wants to see your true character, but i don't think colleges will be too pleased if you write "i think ****(victim's identity censored)'s a total idiot and i should take over his job" blah blah blah...</p>

<p>anyway, should you always be positive in your essay? all comments welcome! :)</p>

<p>give me an example of an essay that you mean as dark and pessimistic because Im not sure why you would write something about someone being an idiot. they would reject that essay right away if it just trashed someone else. maybe stating you don't agree is fine. and overcoming bulimia or that type of essay is very acceptable.</p>

<p>"How those idyllic days ended I still couldn’t tell; the transformation came without warning and left without closure. I no longer understand the agony of despair, but at that time I believe I did. For almost a year I struggled with depression. I feared life, its energy, its wild passion and its unstoppable hope — I fear them as much as I once worshipped them. The world is cruel and unfair; no one ever promised a miracle; and there will always be more misery than smiles. I believed in those aphorisms like a votary believed in his Lord. A youthful and inexperienced person, I imagine, is more inclined to shelter himself under the perfect pessimism of these proclamations. Through all that time I refused to cry; I was, after all, too obstinate and too tightly fastened in that dreadful dudgeon called fear. Even today, those memories still me a feeling of bottomless melancholy. It makes me feel like a young astronaut who drifts along in the vast and empty space, hundreds of feet away from the spaceship, thousands of miles apart from all people on earth — he knows he’s never alone — but he feels it."</p>

<p>something like that, hopefully that shows my point.</p>

<p>The topic is fine, but the writing seems clich</p>

<p>Why would you want to write a negative essay? My dad has always taught me to focus on the positive and never on the negative in my opinion i don't think it was ok it should of been positive!</p>

<p>whatever u do, show a positive side (even if ur essay is leaning pessimistic)!</p>