Does everyone who applied have a student ID number assigned in Wolfpaw?

I looked at my DS’s wolfpaw account today to see if there was anything about acceptances (he applied COE) and I saw a student ID number, I don’t know if that has always been there or not but then I was thinking, would they give all applicants a students ID number even if they are not accepted? Maybe they do, I just know they didn’t assign those at some of the other schools he applied to until he was accepted, so I guess I was hoping this might be a good sign. Does everyone have a Student ID number under application information?

I applied and I also have a Student ID number.

Just checked my sons acct and he also has a student ID. No indication of any decision made.

as i recall you get a number when you apply.

When my son was accepted a couple years ago, he was registering for something and State asked for his student id. He said he did not have one yet, and was told - yes you do, you got when you applied.

Everyone gets one when they apply

My son has one as well. I agree, I think everyone gets one.