Does everyone who wants to do research get the opportunity to do it?

Given that Occidental is a small liberal arts school, is everyone guaranteed a research position if they are interested (especially Science majors? How many people are denied every year from research? Is there a grade requirement to be maintained i order to keep your spot in a research project?

Recent graduate here! If you are interested, research is very easy to get involved in (I was a kinesiology major that participated in both bio and kines research). The most important thing, if you want to get involved in research, is to start a dialog the professor whose lab you want to join. All the profs are super nice and love having students join their lab so getting denied from a lab isn’t really a thing. You can even get started as early as freshman year if you want. There is no grade requirement for research since most of the time it is given on a credit/no credit basis. Hope this helps!