Does getting accepted to UC Merced through the 9% guarantee system mean I got rejected by other UCs?

I got accepted to UC Merced through the “top 9% students guaranteed admission” system. Does this mean my other UCs have rejected me?

@Lalasieu I do not know the answer but wondering if you actually applied to Merced or did they just send you an email or something?

Also, @Gumbymom may know the answer.

UC Merced has 2 different referral programs as of this year.

  1. Count Me In which is the original referral program, where if not accepted into your choice UC, then as an ELC eligible applicant, your application will be automatically referred to UCM if space is available.

  2. Grow with UC Merced which is a new program where you are given an earlier opportunity to self-refer your application at no cost to UCM. Advantage is there may still be spots for your specific major available unlike The Count Me in program referrals in April.


Did you apply to UC Merced? Or

Did you receive the Grow with UC Merced email? Or

Have you received a decision from all the UC’s you applied and were not accepted?

I received a Grow With UC Merced email. My other UC’s haven’t released admissions decisions yet.

So based on this, am I right to assume that I still have a chance at my other UCs?

Yes, you still have a chance at the other UC’s.