Does getting hit on the head cause brain damage?

<p>Or does the skull/connective fluid absorb all damage?</p>

<p>Does posting a question with an obvious answer get you replies?</p>


<p>^I think he means concussions from time to time.</p>

<p>I read that boxers get brain damage from their careers. Wear a helmet!</p>

<p>^Many football players suffer from progressive brain damage as well. It’s a shame. And for the OP, I’m pretty sure concussions more or less cause some sort of brain damage. One or two isn’t really that big of a deal though. I know a lot of kids that suffered from minor concussions that do fine.</p>

<p>I know a kid in my grade who suffered like ten concussions in a course of two years and the doctor wouldn’t let him play any school sports because suffering from any more could potentially cause serious brain damage or something. He was an amazing lacrosse player too. He could’ve made varsity this year, but I don’t think he’s allowed to play until next year. :/</p>

<p>^^Nevertheless, I postulate that the severity of the impact is clearly related to the damage done. Furthermore, since I did not originally offer a solution, my statement still stands regardless of any attempts to dislodge its context.</p>

<p>Well I wasn’t trying to refute your post. My reply to the OP probably supports your statement, if anything. Maybe he just suffered a concussion and isn’t clearly thinking as of right now. :P</p>

<p>^I used double ^^, which by the new CC convention means two posts above.</p>

<p>Ohh, I see. Haha. From other forums, I’m used to “^^” meaning an emphasis on their reply to the poster above. xP</p>

<p>Only Fibonacci numbers are used for emphasis and imprecise references.
e.g. ^^^Oh I TOTALLY AGREE!!!</p>

<p>or ^^^^^YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!</p>

<p>Well I suppose people from volleyball forums such as myself aren’t very much used to applying fibonacci numbers in replying to posts on the internet. :P</p>

<p>But hey, you learn something new everyday.</p>



<p>Are you implying that I learn?!!! Everyday?!!!</p>

<p>Yes, you do learn something new everyday.</p>

<p>You just learned right now that you learn something new everyday!</p>

<p>Life is great.</p>

<p>Not only is life great, I am great.</p>

<p>(outward pride=inner insignificance) </p>

<p>Hey, inner insignificance is alliterative.</p>