Does getting slapped on the head cause brain damage?

<p>I'm Asian, and my dad used to slap me on the head all the time when I was little... Moderately hard. No real force involved, but hard enough to hurt. Let's say this happened 300 times. How much brain damage would this cause?</p>

<p>Or would the skull absorb all of the damage? I never got knocked out or anything... I never threw up or felt noxious.</p>

<p>Is this type of discipline common? Stupid parents. I'm going to put them in the crappiest retirement home I can find.</p>

<p>I don’t think it will have any significant brain damage. I hope!</p>

<p>Children in my country often get slapped/beaten. I’m Asian too.</p>

<p>My friend believes that getting slapped on the head is bad luck. I told her it’s only so because she believes in it.</p>

<p>Lol, I guess it’s better than being belted. </p>

<p>I doubt it’ll have had any effect at all on your brain.</p>

<p>^ hahahahah exactly better than getting belted!</p>

<p>I’ve seen a couple of belts back in the day. But what I REALLY had to watch out for was for flying objects–whether it’s a slipper, shoe, dish whatever anything that’s within their premise & reach always posed a danger to me b/c all they have to do is grab and throw it! hahahah</p>

<p>I think of that was happening to you when you were younger than 10 years old then that might have been a problem.</p>

<p>lol so asians do get beaten at a higher frequency than white people? </p>

<p>Sometimes my dad gets drunk and beats me but doesnt remember it when he is sober. So around age 12 or so, i fought back and the beatings stop. It was all good because he didnt remember anything when he was drunk. Thats white collared entertainment.</p>

<p>I did have a racist joke, but I’m not gonna say it. There’s a certain number of PSI needed to cause brain damage I believe.</p>

<p>nah, like when I was a child it was a flick on the head or a kick or if I ran through adults talking they’d subtly pinch and strangle the crap out of my arm. I think it just trained me to never run through adults or do whatever got me flicked. As I got older my mom would hit me with objects (broom, belt, shoe) if I did something bad. All that kinda stopped at around 11 though.</p>

<p>Well, the Three Stooges were regularly slapped in the head and we all know how they turned out. </p>

<p>On the bright side, your promise of fame and fortune increases with each slap upside your noggin.</p>


I read a study on the use of spanking as a punishment in households, divided up by race. I posted it somewhere on here, so if you google enough you should find it, either on here or the study itself. IIRC, whites (which I expected) were corporally punished the least, and I think it was Hispanics the most, but don’t quote me on that.</p>

<p>I think getting slapped in the head might be worse than getting the belt. Apparently, belts are technically illegal in America? Someone should have informed my parents.</p>

<p>ETA: I found (some version of) it! <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Asians are stated within as being least likely to believe a spanking is in order.</p>

<p>I thought you lived in CA, Saugus.</p>

<p>white parents, you gotta start beating your kids. -Russell Peters.</p>

<p>Whoa, seriously? My parents never did that because it was supposed to make you “even dumber than you are”. It was always pinching the upper arm (where, you know, the bruises weren’t visible lol) or smacking with a coat hanger (?). Although sometimes my mom did a really convincing and scary act of pretending to throw me out into the night forever with only a toothbrush, a pencil, and my math problems. She was like, “Maybe you can return when you’ve figured those out.”</p>

<p>It was during my age 6-13 era of sucking tremendously at math, alas.</p>

<p>And just tell your parents that they made you lose brain cells lol.</p>

I do. I’m hiding my identity. :P</p>

<p>My mom hit me with a rolling pin one time… Not on the head, though.</p>

<p>So, what’s the consensus here? Does the skull absorb all of the damage, or does it indeed cause significant damage? Does brain damage actually cause a loss of intelligence, or just disability?</p>

<p>No, but they leave lasting emotional and psychological scars. =)</p>

Unfortunately, yes. But that’s not as bad as losing brain cells.</p>

<p>I’m actually beginning to think it’s an irrational fear, and I’m trying to negate my own shortcomings by blaming it on something that I had no control over, and thus making myself believe that every time I make a mistake, it isn’t my fault… How can a slap cause brain damage when there’s a thick helmet and then a layer of tissue?</p>

<p>Makes no sense.</p>

<p>Bump. 10char</p>

<p>Bump again. Hypochondria freaking sucks.</p>

<p>So the underlying problem is not the hypochondria, but what’s causing it (ruminating on how you were slapped on the head a lot). It turns out that hypochondria is actually consistently linked with physical abuse. So I would say the answer to your question is yes, but not the sort of brain damage you were thinking about; rather the more insidious less direct kind, the kind not result of the direct slaps, but of the post-slaps irrational reflection on what their causes might have been. The kind that leads to hypochondria, and causes you to post threads such as this - that is probably the kind of brain damage, if you want to call it that, that you did probably suffer.</p>

<p>I see. So it’s psychological, and not physical.</p>

<p>Are you sure it was impossible to have any physical damage done?</p>