Does humor work in Ivy essays?

<p>So, I'm quite worried about my essay. When I read so many other Ivy essays, I've noticed that authors derive some deep, philosophical theme out of things like a pair of shoes or wet hair. Mine is really funny, it's put together well but it's not really that intellectual. Obviously, I want to be admitted to these schools but I'm wondering if I should just change it. What I will say about my essay is that it shows me really well (goofy).. but is that what places like Columbia want?</p>

<p>If its written well and humorous, it will get you in.
If its forced humor, it will work against you.</p>

<p>If it’s really your true personality, that’s the number one most important thing. Do you want to be seen for more than your goofiness, or are you perfectly fine with what you are?</p>

<p>I think humor is fine, if it works well. Admissions officers want a laugh too.</p>

<p>Thanks guys for your help! I’m not worried now.</p>

<p>The only reservation with using humor is that the admissions officers may not find it funny. It might be a goofy spongebob kind of humor that most of us laugh at (I know I do) but, personally, I would refrain from relying on humor.</p>