<p>CCers misspell your user name? I get tired of seeing trumpetgirl.. :/ loser-ish of myself of course but..how would this make you feel..</p>
<p>Ex.#1 Wrtsandal
Ex.#2 ThisCouldBeHeaven
Ex.#3 Romanipigypsys
Ex.#4 Cody2009</p>
<p>How does that make y'all feel?</p>
<p>I die a little inside</p>
<p>Deja vu :O</p>
<p>This is the exact feeling I got last year when I found out that TCBH couldn’t spell either.</p>
<p>It’s kay. I totally understand. People call me “fry_drms” all the time. It hurts :(</p>
<p>Trumpetgrl, as long as they acknowledge you, then that’s cool. :D</p>
<p>No one has misspelled my name yet… I guess I’m not cool enough. :P</p>
<p>Aside from intentional nicknames, I don’t believe that’s occurred for me yet.</p>
<p>I am completely apathetic toward such occurrences.</p>
<p>:/ I just dislike it when people put an i there. There is clearly no i…</p>
April 13, 2010, 11:54pm
<p>No one can honestly blatantly misspell my name, it’s too simple.</p>
<p>Faerie_dreams - don’t blame me for the 16 character limit</p>
<p>MatCN, my username is pretty simple as well.</p>
<p>Matt, sometimes I’m really tempted to call you MattUNC, but then I realize it’s not your name. Whooops.</p>
April 13, 2010, 11:57pm
<p>Yeah but you did it on purpose because I said something, not by accident and just out of the blue. I said blatantly…
^And yeah I can see that happening, it makes a lot of sense though. I practically live there ;x.</p>
<p>I get called Millanclad a lot. Eww.</p>
<p>I don’t recall ever being called that?</p>
<p>Yeah, I just kind of tweeked usernames :rolleyes:</p>
April 14, 2010, 12:08am
<p>Why would people miss up our names even if they needed tweaking? I mean yours isn’t fully spelled, so I can see why yours would be messed up.</p>
<p>I don’t think anyone has misspelled my name. Well, I think Plattsburgh did once, but I was quite relieved that she did [noparse];)[/noparse]</p>
<p>Never seen Warts’ name misspelled either, although I think a few people have asked her if she has warts.</p>
<p>Not a spelling mistake, but still a little annoying. I keep getting associated w/ the band hellogoodbye or that beatles song even though those are not the reason I chose this username :(</p>