
<p>Everyone Here Makes Mi Feel Stupud.</p>

<p>That's okay. Most of us a Ivy-obsessed over-achievers with lame lives.</p>

<p>and you wish I was just speaking for myself...</p>

<p>Maybe you should try spelling the word "stupid" correctly. :)</p>

<p>^ Maybe she already knows how to spell ''stupid''.
Hope so..</p>

<p>^ My comment sounded kinda b*****, but if you're complaining about feeling stupid, you should at least spell the word correctly. Even if she knows how to spell the word, how hard is it to type "stupid" instead of "stupud?"</p>

<p>chocolatelover03: jeez, the girl was just trying to be funny. it's obvious because she spelt "me" wrong too. it's actually weird that you missed that.</p>

<p>I didn't miss that! I just hate when people purposely type things hard is it to type "stupid" instead of "stupud?"</p>

<p>oh, well then, chill.</p>

<p>^^ I hate fighting with people, so let's just end this.</p>

<p>sorry, i didn't mean to come off like that, i just thought you didn't notice. it's kind of lame to fight over the internet, lol.</p>

<p>^^LMAO!!! I love pointless arguments.</p>

<p>lol, I honestly wasn't trying to start anything, but one post lead to another.... :)</p>

<p>wow, this thread has completely digressed from the main point.</p>

<p>everyone here makes me feel stupid too lol join the club</p>

<p>This thread has turned totally "stupud." lol</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>lol maybe the OP really is just stupid or..."stupud"</p>

I didn't miss that! I just hate when people purposely type things hard is it to type "stupid" instead of "stupud?"


<p>Um, I think the OP meant to spell "stupid" as "stupud" to make herself look stupid.</p>

<p>Wow chocolate, read between the lines. ^^^</p>

<p>Chocolate, do you gtt straight A's?</p>