Does it upset you when...

<p>I like it when people call me John117. NOT JOHN!!!</p>

<p>lolwut. Who are you again?</p>

<p>I want a muffin. :/</p>

<p>My user is never misspelled. HA!</p>

<p>I want two muffins.</p>

<p>Two muffins are better than one.</p>

<p>I’m thinking two is better than oneeeeee. LOL. Everyone here hates that song. I don’t mind it though.</p>

<p>^ I like that song:) but I can’t stand it now after listening to it a hundred times on the radio. I’ve always thought that overlistening to a song kills its value and uniqueness. </p>

<p>I hate my username!!! I was a stressed out senior who had just bombed my SAT II when I discovered CC, and when I perused the different college threads I thought I would dieeeeeeeeeee from all the geniuses on here. I didn’t even realize that people came on CC for non- college related stuff.</p>

<p>Apparently someone thought my username was Collegebreasts16 somewhere, but it just gave me a good laugh since I remember thinking that I would prefer that to the username I have right now:(</p>

<p>It depends on whose breasts we’re talking about…</p>

<p>^^Collegebreasts would be the best username EVER. :P</p>

<p><em>scrolls to bottom of thread</em>
<em>sees discussion of breasts</em>
<em>scrolls back up to find out what the </em>* he missed*</p>

<p>I’d imagine an ivy’s breasts would be the ones people would oggle at since they’re probably the most developed but only the few get to actually see them;)</p>

<p>^ yeah, not to mention the fact that not too many ORMs get to see them :/</p>

<p>I know a couple of URM’s that will see them… lol.</p>

<p>But a girl who has 1500+ guys (and girls!) a year?</p>

<p>[color is that blue of the C in the CC icon]That's over 4 a day...[/color]</p>




<p>we’re not talkin bout ■■■■■■■■ are we?</p>

<p>AN Ivy, not THE Ivy. haha.</p>

<p>^^I remember talking to ■■■■■■■■ and kc on ccislulz about her breasts. TCBH, you missed out.</p>

<p>How can one fully prove the prospect of developed breasts and as opposed to undeveloped? Shouldn’t they be developed by that age regardless anyway?</p>

<p>why would ivies have the most developed breasts? I mean McDonalds uses the most developed (“abnormally large”) and it would seem that McDonalds and ivies are on the opposite side of some spectrum</p>