does legacy status hurt you at other schools?

<p>my brother and sister went to princeton. i assume this will help me a little bit there -- but will it hurt me at other ivies? thanks!</p>

<p>Legacy can only help. Other Ivies won’t look down on you because of something like that. Where your brother ans sister chose to go was their decision. It should say something to the other colleges if you are breaking the mold to try to attend one of them.</p>

<p>EDIT: Just to clarify, when I said legacy could only help I was referring to those who had legacy at schools they were applying to and that it doesn’t actually work in reverse for those with legacy at other schools.</p>

<p>It hurts you compared to the people who are legacy at those schools, but it doesn’t hurt you compared to the applicant pool overall.</p>

<p>Also, technically you’re not considered a legacy at most schools…</p>