Does my Extracurricular/EC Award title matter?

I am not applying to colleges for another year, but I am wondering about how my ECs and Awards are looking right now, especially because COVID-19 is cancelling so many things so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get any other awards in the year left before I apply to colleges.

One of the awards I have right now is that I was a National Alternate for a nationwide competition. If I had placed 2 spots higher at the state level competition, I would be a National Qualifier and would have been able to compete at the national level. Regardless, the national competition was cancelled because of COVID-19

My question is: in the eyes of an Ivy League school, is there a big difference between the National Alternate title I got, and the National Qualifier title that I was just 2 spots away from

No. One thing like this is not going to be what makes or breaks your application.