Does prestige of where you go to college undergrad matter that much if your goal is to get an MBA and eventually work a top finance job?

No offense…but you’re 18 and just getting started and have so many pivots and options and changes ahead of you. I’m impressed you even know the difference between treasury and trade finance. Yes, finance has many options within it - every sizeable organization has a finance department with some specialists within it. There’s also lots of roles within financial services firms and bulge bracket banks that all have a home for smart individuals. All that said, my opinion is that you’re overthinking this a bit. What is the difference in annual cost when taking everything into account? If it’s not overly material, then go to the higher ranked or higher prestige school (or the school better known for graduates and alumni in your target field). I go back to saying go to the best college you get into that you can afford and do well there.


Thank you BK squared I appreciate the help. Helps a lot.