Does Rodney Hall really have bugs??

<p>I am going to be a freshman at UD in the fall of this year, and I have been researching different residence halls that I might get put in. I was looking up some things about Rodney and I heard from some people that Rodney has a bug problem. I do NOT tolerate bugs. Is this rumor true and if you know anything about it, can you please explain what it is, exactly? </p>

<p>All answers are appreciated.</p>

<p>I had friends in Rodney but didn’t see anymore bugs than anywhere else I lived on campus.</p>

<p>popsicle, not sure that is very comforting. are you suggesting bugs are common throughout the dorms?!</p>

<p>sorry! No I meant that you see an occasional bug everywhere, even my parents house :wink: The guys in the room next to ours freshman year were slobs. They had ants and fruit flies.</p>

<p>So popsicle, if you keep your room fairly clean and don’t leave old food or trash in your room, there isn’t really a bug problem? I was just wondering because there is a possibility that I could get assigned to Rodney this coming year and I don’t know if I’d be able to stand living there if there are bugs crawling around in the dorms all of the time.</p>