does stating your major when you apply hurt your chances?

<p>One of my friends got into Cornell because he put his intended major as
Agricultural Management. Does putting down a major that isn't popular
help your chances, and does putting down a popular major hurt you chances?</p>

<p>No. Generally your EC's reflect your intended major anyways.</p>

<p>ok... im gonna be a junior, and i wanna major in biomedical engineering.</p>

<p>my bio scores are mediocre (ap:4, sat 740; i know i should've studied more than 2 days T.T), didn't take math II/c yet, and taking calc bc this coming year</p>

<p>but my SOME of my ec's include: sci oly, hospital volunteer, special olympics, counselor at camp summer sault for cancer patients and survivors, and stuff like that...</p>

<p>am i on a good path for brown?</p>

<p>EC's are a little weak, but you still have time to work on it.
What are your overall stats?</p>

<p>class rank: 1/ 670
gpa:W:4.79 UW: 3.98ish
sat reasoning: didn't take yet, but my best practice exam score was 2190...
sat's: bio-740, chem-670(mother f! took it freshmen year), korean-800
will take us history, math II/c, chem(again T.T), and physics
APs: 3 so far... 4's on human geo, bio, and euro
will take Physics, Lang, US, Psychology, Calc BC, and maybe Env. Sci
EC: cross country, track, sci oly, hospital volunteer, special olympics, counselor at camp summer sault for cancer patients and survivors, nhs, csf, concert choir accompanist, piano, key club, circle of friends... i can't think of more at the moment...</p>

<p>Leadership: Piano Accompanist for Choir, Secretary for Sci Oly, and Treasurer for Circle of Friends.</p>

<p>Now, im only gonna be a junior, so don't pounce on me.</p>

<p>i wanna major in biomedical engineering or neuroscience</p>

<p>stl2cali2k1, try "What Are My Chances?"
And make sure to include GPA, other AP stats, etc.</p>

<p>lol i dont wanna put mine up with the seniors</p>

<p>ive heard some success stories about people applying to obscure faculties and later transferring to what they really want -- however, it is a risky move because what happens if you cant transfer?</p>

<p>Well, the only way i think your major can hurt you is if your major makes no sense.
Example: you're an Intel winner, but you want to major in art.</p>

<p>Now, it's possible that if you declare a very popular major, your chances will be lowered.</p>

<p>so applying for biomedical engineering at colleges like JHU isn't</p>

<p>a good idea, correct?</p>

<p>It sort of depends on the school too. Some schools ask for your intended field of interest to get a general idea of what you're interested in. (ex. MIT) They know you'll most likely change later. Here it doesn't really matter what you choose.</p>

<p>However, other schools make you choose a major and you'll have to stick with it. (ex UCs). Here, it matters somewhat what major you choose because some of them are very popular. For example, I had a lot of friends with good stats but they weren't able to get into the top UCs because they chose a form of bioscience for their major. However, there was another guy with less stellar stats who got into UCLA as a dance major.</p>