Does this sentence even make SENSE?

<p>14) (This is from Kaplan PSAT premier pg 42)</p>

<p>"That" "diamonds are" a form of carbon "has been established" for "a couple of centuries".</p>

<p>WHAT? The answer is E- No error.</p>

<p>Can someone explain how this sentence makes sense? Even if their is no "so-called" error?</p>

<p>In this sentence, “That” means “the fact that”</p>

<p>That diamonds?</p>

<p>It would make sense if it was </p>

<p>“The fact that diamonds are a form of carbon has been established for a couple of centuries.”</p>

<p>It is not E. (A) was the mistake.</p>

<p>@nothingto, “That diamonds are a form of carbon has been established for a couple of centuries” is a correct sentence. Rearrange it like this –> “It has been established for a couple of centuries that diamonds are a form of carbon.”<br>
This way of saying it is a little awkward, but it is still correct, as “that” is interpreted as “the fact that”</p>

<p>That’s what I put ^
But then how about “has been established” (singular), isn’t the verb paired with DIAMONDS (plural).</p>

<p>Oh. Okay. But still it sounds a bit awkward…?</p>

<p>^ The CollegeBoard does not make the student interpret a word that is in error from my experience (however i might be wrong). I have never heard of a “that –> the fact that” transition in english history where we are assumed to change and translate it.</p>

<p>“diamonds are a form of carbon” is a singular idea…</p>

<p>So -> “That ‘diamonds are a form of carbon’ has been established” would be correct…</p>

“has been established” isn’t paired with DIAMONDS. It’s paired with “(the fact) that.”
It’s really weird, I know. No one speaks like that, but it’s proper grammar.</p>

It isn’t in error. And the way I put it isn’t the “proper” way to read it. It just makes more sense to me that way. This is proper grammar.</p>

<p>Ok this is new to me, I learned something I guess.</p>

<p>@ nothingto</p>

<p>Don’t try to make sense of the English language. It doesn’t make sense when it’s “correct.” =]</p>

<p>It sounded fine to me when I looked at the diagnostic. </p>

<p>Clearly, one cannot trust his or her hear for a language as convoluted as English.</p>

Haha. I wish it did make sense and we speak that way. At least I’ll get that one RIGHT.</p>