Does UC care detention?

Well, actually I have just gotten Saturday school, which is one kind of detention, I guess? for the first time… Does UC care about it? I already submitted SIR to UCSB, but I’m wondering they would rescind me based on the punishment…
Also, do I need to inform UCSB? It was stupid reason; I mean I technically disobeyed the rule, but not other peers. My friend picked me up during lunch so that we could get my home to bring assignments… But I did not have an off campus card, so I was not supposed to leave the school. It’s why I got Saturday school with my friend…

They won’t know nor do they care.

How would a UC even know? The only thing your high school sends is a transcript. I have never heard of transcripts having behavioral information on them other than citizenship codes.

I’m a high school teacher and a few years ago we had one of our Top 10 seniors get caught cheating on a small assignment during the last term. The teacher wrote him up and gave him a zero which dropped his grade to the first “B” of his academic career. She heaped some serious public shame on him and made sure he was on the “No Activities” list as well as serving a week’s worth of detentions. She made an example of him, which he kind of deserved because of his arrogance.

As far as I know, he is still gainfully studying at Berkeley as I type.