Does UChicago have a large Hipster population?

<p>Are there well dressed, attractive people that listen to alternative/folk music and take advantage of the city?</p>

<p>Chicago has many hipster neighborhoods. Wicker Park is probably the height of hipsterhood.</p>

<p>I would say that the University has a healthy "hipster" population-- at least, it's a lot more "hipster" than most schools I visited.</p>

<p>Though I understand what you mean by the "cosmopolitan" and "alternative culture" factors, I abhor the term "hipster," because it, like other terms, suggests that people are package deals, and one of the things that life teaches you is that nobody is consistent to any rule or characterization.</p>

<p>That was a great response unalove, but there is more depth to the question. I hate the term hipster as well, but I know it is the way I'm seen from the outside. I'm really interested in UChicago, but I need a school that has people like me. I see fashion as an art and a culture. I use my body as a canvas to the pieces of many designers. i am not a fashion model, but a model of fashion. I will do a lot of shopping in the city. Although I might sound materialistic but I'm very intelligent and of activist nature. Will I find students at UChicago that have similar "fashion is art" views as myself.</p>

<p>Haha I was hoping for a hipster thread to emerge. I was actually wondering the same thing, and though I loathe the term, it's the best descriptor. I guess "indie kids" works just as well, but what is "indie" anyway? It's all relative.
I'm hoping that UChicago is a place for so-called hipsters with actual motivation and intellect who are not merely obsessed with irony. Any validations? Would I have friends with whom I can go on and on about Neutral Milk Hotel and Robert Lowell poems?
This school seems truly genuine, from my vantage point, and I want to learn with genuine people.</p>

<p>Neutral Milk Hotel: check, double check.</p>

<p>Robert Lowell: will you be my new best friend?</p>


<p>See, one of the reasons I'm a bit... concerned? I guess by nailing down the U of C is that as a school, it's so hard to nail down. See that kid with the popped collar and plaid shorts? He loves theater, philosophy, and Dungeons and Dragons, and isn't afraid to let it show. See that Psi U brother who acts like he's the next president of the US? You should see him talk in English class. See that girl with the pink hair? She's an active member of an on-campus religious group.</p>

<p>But it sounds like y'all get the message about not defining and confining your peers too soon. They've got so many cool things to share.</p>

<p>And yes, you will find students who do fashion and do it well, as you'll find students from all different sorts of backgrounds and all proud to represent themselves. I know that sounds entirely cheesy and straight from the college viewbook, but I think if you visited campus you would see that Chicago is a school where students represent themselves openly and honestly and there are very few things I could say that characterize all Chicago students.</p>

<p>Besides the fact that they are smart.</p>

<p>And they wanted to come to a school that would challenge them in multiple ways.</p>

<p>thats really comforting, thanks</p>

<p>"Are there well dressed, attractive people that listen to alternative/folk music and take advantage of the city?"</p>

<p>Yes...if Miley Cyrus counts. I'm kidding, kinda.</p>

<p>my watch sick, explain</p>

<p>Ah, jokes never seem to go smoothly on these forums. </p>

<p>Well, to seriously answer your question: yes, there are well-dressed, good-looking people with great tastes in music at Chicago. I happen to be one of them.</p>

<p>oh i laughed out loud....i just wanted a straight answer.</p>

<p>If you want to be a University of Chicago hipster, I think you have to cultivate a taste for Andrew Bird and twee, too.</p>

<p>Important: Chicago hipsters ride Working</a> Bikes, not fixies</p>

<p>anyone who calls him/herself a Chicagoan should like Andrew Bird :)</p>

<p>Andrew Bird performed at Summer Breeze last spring!</p>

<p>Poetry slam at the Green Mile??</p>

<p>Any true "Hipster" will be here this weekend: Hyde</a> Park Jazz Festival</p>

<p>Here's some evidence of hipster life-forms (with pictures of one, who seems to be attractive and nicely, if casually, dressed):</p>

<p>The</a> University of Chicago Magazine: Chicago Journal</p>

<p>And it's a well-written article by somebody who gets "hipster" culture, at that :-)</p>

<p>The jazz festival, which just started, beautifully bookends the annual U of C folk festival in the spring, which has been around ever since my ancient uncle was in college and drove all night across three states to attend it.</p>

<p>The hipster population at UChicago is really an oddity, but very much fitting with the intellectual feel of the school. I think it also reflects the fact that the College has a more solidly middle class feel than some of its peers. </p>

<p>In contrast, one of the first things I noticed in graduate school was how many chinos, nice sweaters, and collar shirts the undergraduates rolled out for day-to-day class. It was like being at joint Banana Republic-J Crew-Polo-Burberry marketing event.</p>

<p>i like how you guys think that you have superior taste because you listen to neutral milk hotel and deerhoof. barf. to answer the original question, yes, the university of chicago has a large population of people who are even more awkward than the average u of c kid when forced to communicate with someone who doesn’t have on fake ray-bans and a cowboy button up. yay.</p>