Does UM require Mid year reports for EA?

<p>Hi, I'd like to know if UM requires mid year reports if I had applied for EA ?</p>


<p>also, what are my chances...</p>

Race: Hispanic
Legacy: Yes and my mother works at the UM hospital</p>

<p>Unweighted: 3.78
Weighted: 5.6</p>

<p>SAT: 1880 (630,580,670)
ACT: 27</p>

Choir, Ladies Ensemble, Varsity Soccer, NHS, NEHS, SAAD, Yearbook, Earth Club, FEA,Tigerettes Dance Team</p>

<p>I have 816 hours of community service from my local hospital</p>

<p>Awards and Recognition:
Deans List, POSSE scholar, National Society of High school scholars, Best Duet acting for the state, MVP Soccer</p>

<p>Also, forgot…I have been a part of Model UN where my school has won “Best Small School Delegation”</p>

<p>I am in a dual enrollment school, which means that have of my courses are college classes. I will have completed 60 credit hours after my senior year (enough to give me an AA)</p>

<p>My college gpa is a 3.84</p>

<p>I think that, assuming 670 is your writing score, you’re on the borderline with your high school record. But I think your college credits with a high college GPA will push you over the edge and get you in.</p>

<p>I think I remember hearing that a mid year report is not required for EA. But I’d give them a call to be certain - I don’t want to be responsible for giving you the wrong information.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>thanks for the help! :slight_smile:
bump, anyone else pls?</p>

<p>no for EA they don’t require mid-year reports for decisions making
they look at freshman-junior grades
i called the school earlier about it</p>