<p>Potentially unprofessional?</p>
<p>Anything stridently & negatively political. (Like the XXX Party is ruining democracy in the US. Or Mayor Q is a crook and a liar.)</p>
<p>Anything racist, genderist, obscene (remember obscenity is in the eye of the beholder….), religionist, inflammatory. etc. </p>
<p>Anything that most individuals might find offensive–which could potentially include parodies. (Comedy is very tricky–and largely dependent upon the audience’s idiosyncractic response the the material.)</p>
<p>Anything negative about medicine as a profession. </p>
<p>Anything negative about individuals who are healthcare providers or may one day be healthcare providers. (You know, like that gunner in your OChem class you can’t stand.) Also potentially anything negative about about your past employers, past or current friends/acquaintances, current and past instructors at all levels. Anything that names names or is easily identifiable as a particular company, person or institution.</p>
<p>Anything that uses any kind of copyrighted material (articles, images, symbols, audio, video, some concepts/ideas) unless you have the express written consent of the the copyright holder or your use of the material fits into the fair use category. This means that most music covers are out–unless you have the permission of the copyright holder or/and have paid the copyright holder’s designated agent a licensing fee. Or the material is in the public domain.</p>
<p>See Fair Use :<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use[/url]”>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use</a></p>
<p>See Public Domain: <a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain[/url]”>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain</a></p>
<p>Re-posting material [from other blogs or print or digital sources] is a copyright violation–again unless you have written permission from the original author.</p>
<p>Fanfiction and most homemade music videos that use images from other sources (like multiple 3 second video clips from a TV show or movie) are quite specifically copyright violations–and no amount of disclaimers are ever going to get around that fact.</p>
<p>I work with copyright issues each and every day on a professional level. The issues are confusing and often seemingly contradictory and/or arbitrary. It’s very, very easy to violate copyright without realizing you have done so. Tons of gray areas.</p>