<p>If you had to pick out your 5 most imp. activities, and listed that sport as the last one, only playing it 2 years in hs...what do colleges think? </p>
<p>Because in this college app, you're asked to list your 5 most important activities;
We know that many of you participate in more than five activities outside of class; however, we are interested in hearing about the five that are most important to you.
Well...I have 2/3 yearly activities that are most important (and some summer activities, although that is a different section). I don't want to come up short however, so i'm trying to fill in the spots with activities i've done and i guess useful, but they're definitely not the most meaningful.</p>
<p>Are they going to see right through that?
The lack of ECs on my part is (i swear) because my parents are old-fashioned, and don't believe ECs are needed for applications nowadays, it's all grades and scores, "sports are for losers, i'm not taking you to that god forsaken place" (the soccer game)...
"you'll take college classes this summer, forget a job"</p>
<p>and i really think had i been able to do these things, i could've maintained the grades and have stellar ECs. but i wasn't allowed to...</p>
<p>doing a job 12th grade year with 6 ap's, is it worth it? or should i just take what i've been able to do and call it a day..?</p>
<p>i would say find another EC to put there unless you have nothing in which case you can put that as your fifth choice. Colleges want to see your passion and dedication, not just the fact that you did something in highschool beisdes study. imo it seems you quit it after disliking it and started it up conveniently at the time of the college admission process. I'd recomend finding something that was not so significant but you were consistand in proceeding with the activity for all four years of high school.</p>
<p>Nah, soccer wasn't irritating or anything, the coach loved me, freshman year i was put on the varsity team, it was hard but fun, just the fact that my parents refused to support it by not picking me up/taking me to practices or games, constantly bashing it, etc, made me quit. he was disappointed, i was disappointed, but i mean...i needed the parents to help me out, at least in transportation. i couldn't keep asking people for rides and such.</p>
<p>I guess i'll leave the space blank, since I've used up activities that I've pursued all 4 (or more) years. Too bad.</p>
<p>Yeah, I know...they really oughta have a national convention for parents demonstrating the importance of ECs in most college admissions. I can't think of anything that would help me out either. It's life I guess, I just don't want colleges to see me as a completely lazy sloth. I would've gladly worked at wendy's this summer even though i'm not in dire need for the money, just to show that. Maybe i'll bring up the family situation via the essay. And in case anyone's wondering, "why would they let you do anything this year", it's cause i'm not living with them anymore.</p>
<p>I'm actually filling out an application as we speak that asks if there's any familial obligations that keep you from doing extracurriculars. I was tempted to write that I was unable to do very many until I could drive, but seeing as it's not a problem now, I didn't put it.</p>
<p>The thing is, maybe that prevented you, schmivy, from doing activities freshman and sophomore year, which doesn't show consistency and could possibly inhibit leadership positions right? I didn't see a "family obligations" section on the common app though? </p>
<p>But yeah I know how you feel man. I had to convince them to let me go and take my driving test, AFTER saying I'd promise to get groceries or do anything else they wanted me to, even picking up my sister from college classes an hour away.</p>
<p>They finally agreed to a car license, but no car. :( I offered to pay for it (if they'd let me get a job), i offered to go myself and find the cheapest, most beat down one I could find, and they were still like no, until other adults convinced them that compromise was the key to building this nation. I thought I compromised all I could on my end. So...still working on that. And then other people from my school will say "oh both your parents are doctors you're so rich & lucky" without even knowing half the story. PĒsses me off so much.</p>
<p>They just need to let go after a while, I mean, I'm not 3 anymore. I'm not going to some kickass parties just to get wasted and end up pregnant, or get killed in a drunk car accident. seriously...</p>