Done in 4 years?

<p>-Is it realistic to belive you will graduate at madison in 4 years? with its size does it make it hard to gain all your necissary credits? If you have to go 5 or 6 years the tuition money will really add up so im just wondering. Also, People are saying the business school only has a 60 percent acceptance rate, so would this make going to UW- Madison a total risk knowing you may not be able to get your intended major?</p>

<p>answers would be greatly appreciated</p>

<p>ave. frosh graduates in 4.136 yrs. if tht helps.</p>

<p>I don't know where people are getting this 60% acceptance rate number, but for this semester the acceptance rate was 1/3. If you come here knowing that getting good grades aren't just going to be given to you and you put in the work to earning an A, you should be fine.</p>

<p>One part of Wisconsin that is easier than most schools is getting credit for AP tests.Wisconsin excepts some threes as credit towards credit hours where a lot of similar type universities only except 4's or 5's.</p>