Don't fulfill A-G requirements for UC?

I’m a US citizen but i’ve been studying abroad for around 10 years now and I’m in A levels so it’s time to start getting my admissions ready. Buuuut i do not fulfill the visual and performing arts requirement for UC. I used to take dance and music classes at school from 4th to 8th grade, but after that I stopped since rather than a proper class/course, it was only offered as an after school activity. I could have take fine arts but thats not the sort of subject you take when you don’t have any talent in it…
I need to apply after summer and I have no idea what to do?? I emailed them and they said that it lessens my chances of getting accepted…
How much of a difference does it make if I don’t do anything to fulfill the requirement??

You can register for anything art related at GCSE level (take the test, get a c : requirement fulfilled); participate in band/orchestra; since you’re a US citizen, go to the US and take a summer community college class near where your grandparents or relatives live.
Are you in year 11,12, or 13?
Are your parents considered ‘instate’ in California (= maintain CA address, driver’s license, voting registration; pay full taxes there)? Because if not, then you can only attend if your parents can afford 60k a year as there’s no financial aid for oos applicants.

Self Study and take AP Art History?

The UC’s will not automatically reject your application if you have not fulfilled the VPA requirement, but it is to your advantage to meet the a-g course requirements to be a competitive applicant. With the acceptance rates continuing to decrease each year, it is better to have the requirements completed than not. @MYOS1634 has given you several options that you can meet the requirement.

@MYOS1634 I’m in year 12 right now. The only art related courses offered at my school are O level and A level fine arts which tbh I really can’t do. I’m not sure if I can go to the US this summer to take any college courses but would it count if I took an online course(such as those on edx)? Like if I complete one and get an official certificate, it would help, wouldn’t it?

You have to ask directly if a certificate bearing EdX class ‘counts’.
Isn’t an O’level in art history available? What about online? Or through AICE?

@MYOS1634 oh and my father lives in California so I’m pretty sure he’s instate. My mother live with me so I’m not sure if she counts as instate or not or whether that makes a difference…

I’ll email UC and ask about the EdX thing. I just checked and there isn’t any art history in O’levels or A’levels. The closest they have is I suppose art and design or design and textiles so…
Also, isn’t AICE made up of A levels subjects?

OK, spend the summer in California and take a cc summer course in music appreciation or history of rap or art history or photography and you’re good. :slight_smile:
Ask your father to freak out all community colleges within 20 MN of his house and see which one has a session that matches your holiday dates.

OK, I’ll try that. Thanks :slight_smile:

Try this link to find a UC approved on-line course:;

@Gumbymom Oh wow this is pretty helpful. Thanks!! :slight_smile: