<p>Boarding school is definitely not for everyone. However, it's one of the most researched high school education choices. Few people actually explore their local public -- let alone private day -- school options with the vigor that even the least-prepared BS applicant musters just by getting through the tour and interview steps.</p>
<p>If, after researching boarding schools, you think it's for you, then fine.</p>
<p>Most boarding schools take steps to ensure that both the parents and the students are on board because it is a monumental decision. And, even then, there will be students like lbftw who have buyer's remorse and yearn to graze in the greener pastures that he thinks are on the other side of the fence. Sometimes it's the parents who reconsider their decision.</p>
<p>It's just as preposterous to contend that boarding school is for everyone as it is to contend that boarding school isn't for anyone.</p>
<p>lbftw, if you want to make the case that boarding school isn't for you, then well done. You've given a one-sided, unbalanced view of the world. Hyperbole tells us much about how badly you and your parents chose and is extremely unpersuasive when you use it to tell others that they will make the same mistake that you did. Most people at this stage have a better sense of self-awareness than you did. And, yes, some will still discover that they're not quite prepared for boarding school.</p>
<p>It's your universal warning and the unflinching stereotyped caricatures you paint for us that suck all credibility from your position. Try explaining why you think boarding school doesn't measure up overall -- after giving us some of the plusses and minuses. (You just give us the negative side.) Try comparing boarding schools to other options available to students. (Apart from a matriculation analysis that most boarding school advocates here point out repeatedly, you don't use comparisons. Are all boarding schools worse than all other options?) And, finally, take some personal responsibility for choosing boarding school when it wasn't right for you. (You're a square peg blaming the round hole because you don't fit...as if the hole has to do all the changing and growing and adapting while the peg remains static.)</p>
<p>If you actually believe what you're saying, you're doing a crappy job of persuading anyone. </p>
<p>And, please, have a long talk with your parents. If you're making half an effort to adapt to boarding school and are still this disaffected, then you're not communicating so well with them either.</p>