Dorms with best ocean view?

<p>hey guys, I got into ERC (my friend just found out now that she did, congrats to her :)). so my question is: how are the views?? </p>

<p>i looked it up on google maps and it seems like the view would be pretty good. do the lounges face the ocean? is ERC the most well endowed college, ocean view speaking? seemed like it has the best spot!! man, I'm stoked.</p>

<p>Hey, a fellow ERC kid!</p>

<p>Yeah, m pretty sure ERC has one of the best ocean views, if you get lucky. I-house has the BEST view though on the upper floors.</p>

<p>If you are on the 3rd or 4th floors of any ERC dorm, you will have ocean views from your balcony and common room, but not from the individual rooms themselves. ERC also has the newest dorms :slight_smile: Unfortunately, you can’t choose what floor you’re on.</p>

<p>Muir, Marshall, and ERC all have amazing views of the ocean (depending on what floor you’re on). From the fourth floor, you should be able to see some of the ocean. And the higher you go, the more of the ocean you’ll be able to see</p>

<p>i think muir has the best views of the beach, since i think they are the tallest. top floors should yield good views</p>

<p>I’m going to go ahead and agree with AJ on this one (of course… I’m ultra biased since I havent seen the ocean views from Marshall and ERC). The view from the 10th floor in Tenaya is amazing.</p>

<p>^ my good friend was in th 7th floor of tenaya and loved it. the whole building has balconies with hammocks and banners strung out all over them. pretty cool</p>

<p>Can’t speak for the other colleges but I can guarantee that every room in ERC is set up so that no matter what room you get you have access to the ocean from your own individual room without having to go out into the balcony.</p>

<p>What about the views from “The Village”</p>

<p>@subtle_overlord, that is an exaggeration because I was on the first floor and there was no ocean view from my window. Only views of the dumpsters and the courtyard area.</p>

<p>norris: [YouTube</a> - Documentary of The Village at Torrey Pines: UCSD](<a href=“]YouTube”> </p>

<p>good little documentary. i really like them, as far as im concerned the only real downfall is the on campus rules, because i got full fin aid to cover the cost</p>

<p>I’m sure he won’t mind me linking this here, but this is one of our forum member’s time lapses from his old Tioga dorm last year. You see what he saw right outside his window.</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - La Jolla Summer Sunset Time Lapse in HDR](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>nice, thank you guys for the responses! and wow at the sunset… I wish everyone was that lucky (read: hope I am!!) haha I watched it in 720 p high def. dear me.</p>

<p>LOL, Tioga in Muir, but you have to get one of the top floors. Apparently, the building shakes in the wind :3</p>