<p>I heard ERC dorms have the nicest ocean view but which halls shows the ocean view?
I'm in africa, third floor....</p>
<p>I thought only Muir (Tioga) dorms had ocean views?</p>
<p>You will need a periscope from the third floor to see the ocean.</p>
<p>All the halls have ocean views from the 3rd and 4th floors. Although, you have to be out on the balcony or in the common room. The individual rooms don’t have ocean view windows.</p>
<p>hey i’m assigned to africa hall too! what level are you on?</p>
<p>Do all the halls at ERC only have four levels?</p>
<p>^Yes 10 char</p>
<p>I’m on the third level!</p>
<p>[Picasa</a> Web Albums - Anon - UCSD in Pictures](<a href=“http://picasaweb.google.com/UCSD.GSW/UCSDInPictures#]Picasa”>http://picasaweb.google.com/UCSD.GSW/UCSDInPictures#)</p>
<p>Check out the last four items in my gallery. I took those from the 4th floor of Asia Hall last year in ERC. (Actually, you can go on the roof but that’s highly not recommended… If you get caught you lose your housing)</p>
<p>You can see the ocean but it is still a little far away</p>