<p>For admits interested in looking more in-depth in to our dorms, please feel free to use this resource on our blog:</p>
<p>"Dorm of the Day" was a mini-picture tour of our dormitories that I put together for the blog last year. All of the dorms <em>except</em> Maclean are represented, and the South Campus entry doesn't reflect students actually living there; I will make a Maclean entry and update South Campus when we return from break. In the meantime, have a look! I've tried to outline the basic characteristics of the dorms, provide images of example student rooms, lounges, and bathrooms, and hopefully give you a better idea of what each dorm might be like for you as you start making dorm decisions.</p>
<p>Let me know if you have any questions! For full disclosure, I lived in Snell-Hitchcock (you'll see my room in Snell on the blog there) for my first two years, and am now an RA in Max Palevsky. I'm sure we'll have plenty of current students lurking around ready to share their experiences as well.</p>