Hi, I am in a point in my life where I am just beginning to figure out my life. The problem is I need to start filling out college applications.
I really, really want to get into Georgetown for their political majors. I was looking into the SFS or just Government.
But, before I realized I want to work for the government, I was planning to be a chemist.
I still do like chemistry, and could be a valuable career path. I’m scared that if I pursue government (even agencies like the CIA or FBI. I know I sound all over the place, but thats because I am. I wouldn’t mind going into the actual government in Foreign Policy or the CIA/FBI.)
Anyways, I’m scared that if I pursue government then there would be so many others doing the same, and I would be stuck with a ‘useless’ degree and without a job. I feel like the risk would be less if I major in chem.
I know Georgetown isn’t known for science, but is it possible to double major? Chemistry would be useful in the FBI as well (the assistant director himself told me this.) but I would much rather actively work in the government.
Please help me figure out my life haha
You could double-major in Chemistry and Government, if you wanted to. Based on what you’ve said, though, I would check out the Science, Technology, and International Affairs major in the SFS: https://bsfs.georgetown.edu/academics/majors/stia
I’m planning on double majoring in Computer Science and Political Science! It’s actually really common at my university, University of Rochester, to double major due to the lack of gen-ed requirements. Basically, you can take whatever classes you want with no required classes taking up your schedule. I love the set up.
That’s just my personal experience I’m throwing in there. Georgetown’s Department of Chemistry looks pretty good to me, even if it’s not super well know. Georgetown is overall a well known university, so I assume all of its programs are pretty great. It’s definitely possible to double major with required classes, but it’s A LOT more work. My friend at Hunter College is double majoring, but she’s taking like six classes a semester and doing summer classes, as well. It’s possible, but SO much work with gen-ed requirements, as far as I can tell.
I get what you mean about a major that personally interests you a lot but still keeping a more practical, career-orientated major. That’s why I want to double major. 
Not to advertise my own uni too much, but look into University of Rochester, maybe! And look into other universities that lack gen-ed requirements or are more relaxed with gen-ed requirements. I’m not familiar with Georgetown, unfortunately, but that’s something I would inquire about with their staff. Ask about double majoring.
I hope that helps somewhat. Good luck! 
My ds2 is a double major, one of those being govt, and it’s been pretty easy for him. He’s only taking 12 hours a semester his final two years and still did study abroad as well. His AP credits helped.