Double Majoring as an Engineer

<p>So I was wondering if any current Engineering students could answer this for me. I want to go into Biochemical Engineering for Graduate school, but unfortunately the closest thing to a prerequisite undergraduate degree you can get at Tech is a Chemical Engineering degree. Would getting a double major in Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry make up for this?</p>

<p>Getting a major in chemical and taking technical electives in biochemical type classes would ‘make up for it.’ I know multiple people that were in Materials Science Engineering that are currently in Biochemical Engineering grad programs.</p>

<p>It isn’t feasible to double major in engineering and something else. You can get a math minor pretty easily but there’s hardly any point unless you enjoy the classes.</p>

<p>Okay thanks! I was looking at it and supposedly tech has “Biomedical Engineering Track Electives”. I’ll take advantage of those probably. Thanks again!</p>

<p>yeah, engineering + a non engineering would just be too much of a time requirement. Are you mentally capable of it? Probably. But you won’t have enough time to do well if you’re doing both.</p>

<p>There are several people who graduate aerospace+ocean engineering every year. That’s a bit misleading, though, since there’s a significant overlap between them. Far more than even electrical+computer.</p>

<p>The only way you could feasibly double major in engineering and something else is if you came in with a large number of AP/dual enrollment credits, and if there’s overlap between the majors. </p>

<p>For example, I’m double majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics, since I came in with 40-ish credits from APs and a credit-by-exam. Computer Science requires students to take a couple extra math classes in addition to engineering calculus, so a Math minor is virtually guaranteed. Mathematics has a track that requires taking CS classes. There’s significant overlap between these majors, so it would only take perhaps an extra semester of classes for me to get a double major.</p>

<p>Aerospace and ocean are the same college, aren’t they?</p>

<p>They’re in the same department. Like hokagesama said, Aerospace and Ocean are so similar that double majoring is feasible and actually quite common.</p>

<p>Yeah, I wasn’t actually aware that you could do one and not the other. Aero/ocean was my second choice behind MSE.</p>