<p>I'm in incoming freshman to Lehigh A&S but will most likely be transferring to the business school. As of right now I have determined I would like to double major in finance and accounting. How difficult is it to do so? I know that finance/accounting have a lot of overlapping requisite classes so I'm curious if it would be possible for me to complete my double major in four years. This is my goal, seeing that I am unwilling and probably unable to pay for a fifth year. Will having determined my major path so early on (really before college) help me to map my classes now as to achieve my double major within four years? I hope so.</p>
<p>To anyone that has any information about double majoring at Lehigh whatsoever, I would love for you to share.</p>
<p>My daughters roommate is double majoring. She got lots of support from her advisor and planned her workload accordingly which does include summer classes. She plans on graduating in four years.</p>
<p>The catalog lists exactly what is required for each major. And there are summer school courses you can take online that helps get requirements out of the way. But really, don’t trust us posters with something this important.
Call the school. They would love to talk to you. I have called several times and everyone has been very happy to answer my questions. </p>
<p>I know a few people who are doing this. You will (almost) definitely have to either take classes online over the summer, on campus over the summer or stay past four years if you want to sit for the CPA exam. I’d email someone in the finance department and see if you can talk to an advisor before you even get to school to show your interest and to start making connections in the department.</p>
<p>Ballhard223 - if you determined your career path of finance/accounting before college, how is it that you are entering the College of A&S, and not CBE? This could put you at a disadvantage from the get-go, as you will have distribution requirements for each college, as well as courses that are only open to students within each college (for example, BUS 1, Intro to Business, which is only open to CBE students, to my knowledge). You certainly don’t want to “waste” any courses you take first semester (meaning make sure they will all count fully toward your eventual goal), and speak to your advisor and/or the Deans of the College of A&S and CBE as soon as possible, since they both all need to sign off on your transfer between schools. Not sure they will even entertain it until after the first full year. While it isn’t difficult to change colleges at Lehigh, you must still make a case for yourself, and they might not be too happy if they suspect you used A&S as a back door to the more competitive CBE. That said, hopefully you are coming in with AP credits, and try to do at least 17-18 credits/semester. Also be aware that if you are thinking of becoming a CPA, you will require a minimum of 150 college credits to sit for the exam. Professor Gupta (head of the Accounting Department) can work with you to see that it happens within 4 years. You may even be able to graduate with a MS in Acctg. if you can squeeze the credits in. Good luck! </p>
<p>Yocco1, You always have great posts. You brought up a great point about classes for different college. I have heard of students at other college not able to get into their required classes and unable to graduate in four years. My son was an engineering student with 2 minors and he was always able to get into all of his required classes so he is able to graduate in 4 years with the help of some summer school courses.</p>