Downtown or Airport Lodging?

<p>My DD is coming to CMU for the sleeping bag weekend but will only be a day visitor since they are all full for sleeping bag kids. We found a hotel near campus for this Sunday night but all are booked close by for Saturday night. Can anyone suggest a good deal maybe downtown or at the airport-something nice but not extremely pricey? Thanks CC friends.</p>

<p>We go to the Hampton Inn University Center but as you say they are booked but the Hampton site said that the airport one was available and around $109, that includes breakfast.
I was told the one in Oakland was booked due to Homecoming at Pitt and CMU but that is not correct, I guess it is just due to the Steeler game? I hope traffic is not too bad.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info rlm919. We are going to stay at the airport and take the 28X
Airport Flyer bus to CMU.</p>