Drastic Major Change before Fall 2016

Hello :slight_smile:

(About me: I am currently a senior in high school, I graduated last week, and I have chosen to go New World School of the Arts in Miami for Photography)

At the beginning of the school year (August 2015) I began looking into colleges and majors, trying to figure out what I wanted to major in, how far I wanted to move, etc. Well…I planned on going into the visual arts field, as I know that I could get a job in advertising or marketing and do fairly well. I love photography and film, but I actually hate drawing. I have been dancing my whole life, and I love it, but I never felt that dance would be a good major due to the fact that it is hard to find jobs, and even harder to find jobs that pay well. I thought that by going into graphic design I’d be happy and be able to get a job.

I have missed auditions for the dance major at the college I want to attend (New World), but I have not contacted them in regards to changing to a dance major before fall. I feel like this will be impossible.

I have come up with a back up plan…while taking art classes at New World, you take your General classes at Miami Dade, in order to fulfill your AA. If I can’t get in as a dance major for this fall, would it be a good idea to try and do all of my AA courses in 18 months, and take dance class on the side?

Im very worried and depressed about all of this. I feel like I have let myself down.

Thank you all :slight_smile:

If you love photography and film, then major in that.
Unless you’re some sort of prodigy, it isn’t a good idea to start pursuing a career this late. The vast majority who make it in the dance world know they want to dance professionally at a very young age and start a pre-professional program early.
Even then, it’s possible to love dance and not want to do it as a career. Many kids in the PP program I did realized this- only 4 out of around 20-30 are still pursuing dance as a career, but they were the most talented of the bunch.
I personally realized dancing professionally was not a good idea for me when I developed an eating disorder and a chronic bursa injury.
Of course it’s not impossible, but simply loving dance is not enough to make it in this brutal career path.