Dream Schools

<p>UChi or Georgetown</p>

<p>Duke and UNC.
The Irony…I know!</p>

<p>Duke or Penn for undergrad; UCLA or Johns Hopkins for med school</p>

<p>Princeton! I hope dreams really do come true…</p>

<p>@ Awilo13, I have a similar dream except notre dame undergrad and Havard Medical.</p>

<p>Ahhhhh so exciting!!!</p>



<p>Columbia. Northwestern. UCLA. :)</p>


<p>Northeastern Undergrad, MIT or Harvard Grad</p>

<p>For my D it’s a 3-way tie - Brown, Tufts and Yale. Yale app submitted tonight!</p>

<p>P&P : Princeton and Pomona</p>

<p>Brown, Harvard grad</p>

<p>Emory or Notre Dame!</p>

<p>Pomona and Scripps for my DD. Good Luck to all of you!!!</p>

<p>Son is applying to Cornell, Duke, UPenn, MIT and Purdue.</p>

<p>I live in NC so UNC Chap and Duke for sure! Also Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, Carnegie Mellon and UPenn</p>

<p>For my D, it’s Stanford!</p>

<p>Yale 10 char</p>