Drexel University VS SUNY University at Buffalo

Hey guys, My reason for creating this post is because I am having a real tough decision on what to do. I have two options well technically three. My Major is Computer Engineering

Option 1: Go to community college for a semester then transfer to SUNY University at Buffalo for spring 2016 semster (idk why, i applied for fall semester but they bumped me back to spring, i already spoke to the university about it.)

Option 2: Go to community college for a year then transfer to Drexel University the following year.

Option 3: Go to community college for a year and transfer to a different university

My problem is that I want to leave community college as fast as possible,

My other problem is that I like certain things about both college I love drexel’s co-op program and internship opportunities, I am uncertain how SUNY University at Buffalo’s internships are, If there good then I would lean to going to SUNY University at Buffalo due to the campus being pretty cool and they do have an athletic presence, and i also hear that they built a new computer engineering building which is pretty cool! While Drexel offers many great things a really cool campus, technologically advanced and up to date, a cool environment and city life, They have a slight athletic presence mainly basketball, Has really strong internships and Co-Op programs. I am honestly split between both and I want to leave community college asap. Money is not an issue. I live on long island if people want and idea of my location. Any input helps! Please and Thank you!