Drinking laws

<p>I associate the term "drunk" with "wasted", or.. totally liquored up. I was pretty cognizant after a beer recently, though my face got extremely red (not strawberry, but red enough), heart beated, body warmed. Physiologically, I was nervous/anxious before beer, afterwards, I still had "mental" anxiety, but facial tension, foot shaking stopped. Or maybe it was the good time of "circle of death" that alleviated my physiological reactions.. Nah, I'm sure alcohol helped.</p>

<p>"It is much easier to talk with one person. "</p>

<p>I'll try with roomies.</p>

<p>"learn how to speak to people, learn how to speak in public."</p>

<p>Well that's about as useful as saying that raping is bad. So?</p>

<p>"you're much more functional being high than drunk."</p>

<p>Define high and drunk. There are various levels of each. I'm sure you can be less functional with marijuana compared to if you sipped a 1/4 of a beer.</p>

<p>"It is much easier to talk with one person. "</p>

<p>I'll try with roomies."</p>

<p>No, try it when you speak in front of a group or have a question in a class. When you are 1 to 1, you naturally look and make eye contact with that one person. I hated public speaking. I used to have to speak to 135 coaches every couple of weeks. I learned to always find the friendly faces and lock in for 10-15 seconds while communicating. </p>

<p>What exactly do you have to do that requires public speaking?</p>

<p>ok,...you can smoke a joint and be completely lifted. but taking a good hit will give you a nice little buzz. more so than drinking a beer on a full stomach (assuming you took a hit on a full stomach).</p>

<p>nice pressure on the back of the eyes (make sure you toke of a more sativa blend) and with a giddy happy feeling.</p>

<p>and no, it is useful to be a good speaker. people will respect you more, have more faith in you, and won't think your just a robot who can't socialize or relate with them. that's western culture we're socratic.</p>

<p>It's probably just better you learn how to speak to people and socialize without drinking alone or in the morning. You won't regret it.</p>

<p>won't marijuana smell more incriminating then booz</p>

<p>"It's probably just better you learn how to speak to people and socialize without drinking alone or in the morning. You won't regret it."</p>

<p>I plan to. Your advice is like telling a sad person to stop person around. They deal with paxil, i deal with beer, mkay?</p>

<p>"stop person around"</p>

<p>I mean stop moping around</p>

<p>for one. the smell of cannabis doesn't linger like tobacco, and isn't as pungent. 2. it's not illegal to smell like weed or to be high. it's illegal to posses cannabis. a bit of cologne and some visine, and nobody can tell you've ever smoked.</p>

<p>Sure about not being high? I mean, some peeps here say it's ok to be drunk, some say not. I think pot would be likewise.</p>

<p>damn, where's the handy ga underage alcohol handbook when I need it</p>

<p>yes i'm sure. there's nothing illegal about having THC in your system. if you were blatantly high and disruptive, then yes, you could be arrested for being intoxicated in public, but it's not anymore illegal than alcohol. and when you're high...99% of people who DON'T blaze will not be able to tell, as long as you maybe use a bit of visine after you smoke. it'll calm you down tho. or get you paranoid.</p>

<p>if you're under 21, it's not ok to be drunk. period. (in terms of the law)</p>

<p>socerguy: Can you produce the law to that effect from each state? I'm pretty sure it's only illegal to be in possession of alcohol, or to be drunk. Having alcohol in your system and being under 21 years old is, I'm pretty sure, not a criminal offense.</p>

<p>"I'm pretty sure, not a criminal offense."</p>

<p>It's called public intoxication. It would be based on behavior if no visable signs (bottle) are present. An officer could stop and question you and based on your reactions, offer his assistance.... say it with me.."don't taser me bro!!!" </p>

<p>IF you have alcohol in your system and don't act like a horse's ass, chances are good you'll be left alone.</p>

<p>I think smoking weed before doing such an event is a good idea, since it will make you alot less nervous and more confident. You also will feel really good and not care what people think.</p>

<p>opie: Public Intoxication charges require a person to be a danger to themselves or others. I'm saying if there is no danger present to oneself or others, having alcohol in the body is not a crime.</p>

<p>Note of advice, if you're gonna smoke beforehand, it probably will help. Make sure you're not out of your mind stoned, and that you've been high before and you know how you act high. Some people are totally chill, some people are off the wall crazy. Hope you're the first.</p>

Having alcohol in your system and being under 21 years old is, I'm pretty sure, not a criminal offense


<p>Nope, it is a crime. Trust me, I know from experience. ANY alcohol at all in your system is enough to get busted. The cops in North Carolina have breathalzyers that only show positive or negative readings for those under 21, no numbers. If you are under 21 you can blow .02 or .24, doesn't matter it is still equal in terms of the law. </p>

<p>Like I said, the machines down there don't give number readouts for people under 21 unless the officer tells it to. Usually he will set it so the only thing he sees is a + or a -...he doesn't care how much you have had to drink. Anything at all is still illegal, regardless of your level of intoxication. </p>

<p>Bottom line is, if you are going to a party and plan to drink underage-
1.) get a DD
2.) Get as drunk as fast as you can...better to have fun and get a ticket for being wasted then get the same ticket for having one drink or even less.</p>

<p>If you take cough medicine or Listerine, you will blow positive numbers. So that method doesn't really make any sense.</p>

<p>Gabriel Caldero</p>

<p>I think that your opinion is right in a certain way but as well i dont aprove of it.</p>

<p>Since most peoople at college have the age top drink then this is a reason for them to drink
but i dont support the fact of mixing study with drinking.I think that its out of order but anyways its up to you to decide what you want to do for your life.</p>


<p>I agree with what you say since its the law but anyhow everyone will dio what they please depending on what they want for their life.</p>