With all due respect, go back to her original post. She asked one thing and everyone immediately thought she was asking for a thumbnail sketch of Kenyon. That wasn’t what she was actually asking. And, then when the parent of a recent grad tried to step in, her reassurances were given no credibility at all. That’s crazy.
I read the original post, understood the original post, and tried to provide the OP with information addressing the question asked, from students, as requested by the OP. While the opinions of a few parents can be very helpful, such opinions are hardly dispositive when it comes to accurately describing the social interactions on any campus.
Now both go back and read my post and dispense with this unconstructive back-and-forth please.
Imagine. Just a few days ago, all I knew about Kenyon was, The Kenyon Review.
I agree @Motherprof. @Publisher does not like Kenyon for some reason and always brings up what they think is Kenyon’s drinking culture over and over and over again in just about any Kenyon thread. My student has enjoyed their experience at Kenyon and is not a partier. They prefer small group socializing and has found that at Kenyon. @Publisher - Just let it go.
Reviving an old thread to simply add that was probably unnecessary. Closing thread.