
<p>your inbox is full to its whole maximum of 50, so i couldnt send this to you that way. </p>

<p>hey, how about we stop this stupid fighting stuff and just lay off eachother? I don't want this to escalate and get us both kicked off of confidential or worse trouble. </p>

<p>Yes, yes, you are going to say that it would be ME who gets kicked off and that you are totally legit .</p>

<p>I realize im a clown sometimes, ok, a lot, but I still try to help people out. But you gotta admit that you really go out of your way to post a snide remark here and there about something that i said. </p>

<p>so sorry, yadda yadda,
we cool now?</p>

<p>well u do say a lot of stupid things you know.</p>

<p>i really hope that all of 1mike 12's attitude and posing (as well as spelling and grammar) is an act. because if it isn't, i think it's pretty depressing that he is considered mcgill caliber. he also sounds like he's about 13 and MAYBE ready to start high school</p>

<p>sorry for the delayed reply, I was moving in/doing *****. </p>

<p>Look, I won't deny that I go out of my way to post remarks, but that's only because I think they warrant them. Meet me in a real life, and you'll see I'm the same there too (except I think I'm a lot funnier). </p>

<p>If you want us to be cool, than we're cool. It's as simple as that.</p>