<p>D accepted ED to Penn. She has cyberschooled last 3 years, and done well, but is struggling with the online AP CalcAB course 2nd semester. It is not organized well, and I don't think tutoring would help- the quizzes aren't set up well. It's too late to switch to another cybercourse. She doesn't need it to graduate, and she is not even remotely planning a science major. Even a 5 on CalcAB= nada at Penn. Should she try to find someone in the Admissions office to discuss? Would they even notice?</p>
<p>Give admin a call. Probably won't care.</p>
<p>Definitely call. I've heard of admissions offices caring about classes dropped. They admitted your D not only on what she's accomplished but also on what she said she was planning to accomplish her senior year.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Yeah, I agree, call, esp/ as it's a core class, not an elective. I was thinking of dropping a rally bad physics class second semester sr year aftering being admitted ED, and my GC told me not to, because another kid had done a similar thing the year before without warning the school, and they wer really upset (they may have put him on acedemic probation for his first semester). But maybe if you explain beforehand they'll be more understanding (or maybe Princton will just genreally feel differently.</p>
<p>Most schools require admitted students to notify them if there are schedule changes, but they usually will let you make the change you want.</p>