Dropping extracurriculars

<p>After about a year of reading threads on CC and doing some logical thinking, I've finally come to the realization (finally) of the simple truth that adcoms love to see passion in one's extracurriculars rather than a shopping list of ECs.</p>

<p>My extracurriculars are as follows:
-Indoor Track x 1 (Varsity; 3rd in state in high jump)
-Outdoor Track x 2 (Varsity; 5th in the state in High Jump)
-Summer Track Coach for youth ages 8-14 x 2</p>

<p>-Political Affairs Club x 1(does year round stuff like mock trial, model state/UN, bleh)
-Student Council x 1
-Executive Council x 1(elected office)</p>

<p>-Fall Play
-Improv Club</p>

<p>-Peer Helpers</p>

<p>-Summer Job at a Sandwich Shop</p>

<p>After attending a track camp this summer, I realized that my true passion lies in Track. I love this sport and I have since the moment I tried high jump in 7th grade. I honestly could care less for the political extracurriculars which I had picked up my sophomore year (I'm a rising Junior) in order to craft what I thought would look like a "good" resume. Now that I realize passion matters more, I've been thinking lately that maybe I should make time for myself to train for track and hopefully win the state championship in high jump one day.</p>

<p>What I would like to know, CC, is if dropping a few extracurriculars with the intent of focusing on a few extracurriulars would be a good move to college admissions? Or would it look bad to drop a few of my ecs?</p>

<p>If you drop an EC, you don’t even need to bother listing it on your college app. It won’t look bad if you drop it because colleges will never even know you did it. I did tennis for a year and then dropped it, so I’m not going to list it as an EC because there really isn’t a reason to. Don’t have track as your only EC, but keep a few others like Political Affairs, StuCo and Executive Council.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>