<p>Hi, I'm planning on applying as a transfer student an my HS gpa is 78%. There are several reasons for that but drugs was certainly a factor (I have a medically sound explaination without mentioning drugs but this still might kill me). I am pretty sure I will be academically qualified. I will have > 1 year sober when I apply. Is this a deal breaker? Is it possible this would help me? I know they admit people URMs and kids from South Dakota for diversity reasons... do they ever admit drug addicts who have shown massive improvement for the same reason?</p>
<p>You may want to discuss the environmental factors that led you to addiction and how you overcame those factors...</p>
<p>Nooooooooooo. In the Gatekeepers, one of the students they followed decided to disclose that she was suspended for eating a pot brownie in 10th grade, and the issue came up negatively at almost every selective school she applied to. Many colleges know that their students do drugs, and so they don't want to take a risk on a student who has already come up and said they have. Also in the book was the case of a boy who went to rehab for alcohol use and then rebound very strongly in his grades, but he too was not admitted. There is almost no way that this will help you. Just stick with your medical reason.</p>
<p>Oh Sorry- Stick With The Medical Reason Do Not Mention This On Your Application!!!</p>
<p>It will terribly hurt your chances.... if you mention it</p>
<p>Sounds like a hook to me.</p>
<p>I doubt that recovering drug addicts are admitted to diversify the class. All colleges, including Harvard, have enough problems with students and drugs without recruiting students who've had drug problems.</p>
Nooooooooooo. In the Gatekeepers, one of the students they followed decided to disclose that she was suspended for eating a pot brownie in 10th grade, and the issue came up negatively at almost every selective school she applied to.
<p>Wasn't this from Michele Hernandez' book? And the way I remember it, the pot-brownie story was both endearing and effective!</p>
<p>It was in the gatekeepers, maybe Michele Hernandez mentioned it too.</p>