Dry Cleaning

<p>Where's the closest place to get dry cleaning done? Preferably in Westwood. Stupid question, but I thought I'd give it a try (hey, why not. people here know just about everything...) </p>


<p>haha umm thanks.
anyone know how to get rid of coffee stains on wool peacoats?</p>

<p>london cleaners on gayley has a discount, but they're not that good</p>


Where's the closest place to get dry cleaning done?


<p>There was a flier passed out during first quarter about a dry cleaning service. It's a huge ripoff though (over $100/month), but if you can afford it, they deliver right to your room.</p>

<p>I don't know where else ..</p>

<p>London Cleaners. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>ucleaners.com does free pick up and delivery</p>