DS22 Journey B/C Student on Long and Winding Path

As of yesterday, all of ds’s responses are in. The final results are:

Saint Michael’s College—w/significant merit
Plymouth State University—w/merit
University of Rhode Island—no merit
University of Maine—w/merit
UConn—branched to Hartford
College of Charleston—spring admit
Salve Regina University—fall WL/spring admit
Southern CT State—w/merit
Hobart William Smith—w/significant merit
University of Tampa—no merit

Indiana University

University of Vermont

We’re visiting Hobart next weekend and then he will make his final decision. Glad to have all of the responses, and I’m blown away by the variety and quality of choices he has after the journey he has been on. My gut still says St. Mike’s for him, but we will know soon enough!

Edited to add that I don’t think I ever posted that he withdrew his app from Syracuse back in December. I had just finished the FAFSA and was getting ready to do the CSS. He hadn’t made a peep about Syracuse since we sent the app back in late September, and it was the only school asking for the CSS. He was also so excited about St. Mike’s, and I was honestly feeling like His heart wasn’t in it with Syracuse so why was I going to go through the more complex CSS if not necessary. We asked him how he felt and he said he didn’t care about it one way or the other, so he withdrew the app and saved me the trouble!


Love threads like these. We need to normalize our normal kids. :slight_smile:


So happy for your son. Congratulations to you all.
Please let us know where he ends up.


Congrats to your son! It’s been quite a journey for your family!

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Congratulations to your son and your family! This has been one of my favorite threads of this year’s graduating seniors, and my heart is warmed and filled by all the good news you’ve been able to share. Thanks so much for keeping us updated, and looking forward to the final decision!


Can’t wait to hear what he thinks after this next visit and how he makes his choice.
Congratulations to you all!


Nice Job! I’ve been following this thread due to having a S24, who is a similar, normal, great kid. I know they will all go on to do great things!


Thanks for all the support and kind words. I will post back when he finalizes his decision :slight_smile:


We’ve been back from accepted students day at Hobart for a week and ds has had some time to process. Plot twist! He really fell in love. We’re all a little thrown by the whole situation since it was reach for him and a very last minute addition to the list. He loves St. Mike’s as well, so we will be supporting him through the process of weighing pros and cons. Never a dull moment!


Best friend’s son is a sophomore at Hobart. Biggest complaint is the food. Not great and nothing open after 8 and the pub has been open one night in his 2 years there. Other than that he really likes the school. Classes are challenging and he likes his professors. Covid was rough, they were in a real lockdown, and it was nearly impossible to meet people but this year has been so much better. It’s a beautiful school. Good luck with the decision.


Thanks! We have heard about the food, but he was fine with it when he tried it last weekend. We know a current sophomore who transferred in this year and she loves it. He really can’t go wrong with either choice, so I think it’s going to come down to gut feeling in the end.


I think it looks like an incredible option. My S wasn’t/isn’t sold on LACs (although it looks like he may be attending one next year) but I think he would have really dug Hobart. If they had a stronger music program, I definitely would have had him apply.

Honestly I didn’t really think of this kiddo as a candidate for an LAC, but it became clear throughout the process that smaller was his preference, as well as a better fit for his particular needs. So your S is close to a final decision?

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Being a B/C student, we directed S to smaller and more supportive schools. If he had actually taken an active part in the selection process, he no doubt would have picked some larger universities. But here we are and he is now deciding between Lawrence and Ithaca.


My much younger half sister graduated from Lawrence in 2019. Absolutely loved it!

ETA: sounds like he can’t go wrong :+1:?

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We have a decision, and much to all of our surprise he’s chosen Hobart!

We ran through all the pros and cons, did lots of sleeping on it, and came to the conclusion that he ultimately couldn’t make a bad choice. In the end it came down to his gut feeling. There is just something about Hobart that he fell in love with and that made him feel at home.

From our pov, it didn’t hurt that they matched St. Mike’s FA offer either. We’re really happy for him. It’s going to be hard to say goodbye to St. Mike’s because there really isn’t a thing about it that he didn’t love, but he can only go to one school as they say.

Thanks to all for following along on his journey. I hope that anyone out there with a struggling student, late bloomer, or kiddo who just doesn’t fit the typical Cc mold finds something to take away that helps in this crazy process!


Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing his story!