<p>So, most of you [errr, practically all of you] have been forced to comply with Daylight Savings Time [Saving/Savings, dunno], until ~30 minutes from now - are you happy it's over? Or sad? Or apathetic? OR do you hate DST altogether [like I do, lol] and think it should be either abolished or made more standard [like, throughout the whole USA/world/everyone]?</p>
<p>Whatever, share stories about DST [if those even exist], about sunshine, about day time, about life.</p>
<p>I think I’d be ok with it actually if I lived somewhere where it was implemented, but it seems somewhat needlessly convoluted to me, though, really.</p>
<p>I like DST. My favorite part of summer is there still being sunlight outside at 8:30 PM. That feels fantastic. Although last summer solstice I accidently locked the family out of the house until the locksmith arrived at 10.</p>
<p>In winter it gets dark at 4:00. No fun at all.</p>
<p>I like the fact that mornings are brighter, but the day ends so quickly. Which really depresses me, since by the time I get home it’s already dark, and I just want to sleep.</p>
<p>i was so confused this morning - i forgot about the time change until i realized the clock in my car said something different than the clock on my phone. </p>