Dual Enrollment Goof

I was applying for dual enrollment for a community college, and as usual, required a counselor’s signature on the dual enrollment form. However, the counselor took too long and the deadline was getting really close. I forged her signature (I traced a copy of it) and turned it in. Is there any way I can get in trouble?

I’d advise you to go and tell the counselor what you did and apologize. Don’t make excuses, just say you panicked and made a mistake. Better to do that than have them find out later.

I would imagine the school will get a list of all students signed up for dual enrollment classes and the guidance counselor may realize that he/she never signed off. As to what trouble you could get into is a school specific question.

In addition, since it was never signed off officially as per school policy, your school probably has not agreed to give you high school credit for the class… It really is something that is best to speak to your counselor about.