Duke and Dartmouth Tied at #9 (others can be found out easily)

<p>The leaked ranking is fake, but I think I know how you can find out the legit ones. Go to the USNWR website, to the education area, and TYPE IN THE NAME OF THE SCHOOL. The rankings for the schools have been updated, so I'm assuming that the ranking next to any school will reflect the new 2011 rankings rather than 2010. Duke moved up from 10 to 9 and Dartmouth moved up from 11 to 9.</p>

<p>I'll see if I can make a list...</p>

<p>Well done!</p>


<p>100-98: Harvard, Princeton, Yale
Big gap
93-90: Stanford, UPenn, Caltech, MIT, Dartmouth, Duke, Chicago</p>


<p>Indeed. I’m just glad Duke didn’t drop out of the top 10 and gained a rank. (I go there.)</p>

<p>Not that I care too much for USNWR rankings in the first place. Where the rankings really REALLY matter are law school (top 14 or might as well not bother attending).</p>