Duke Early Decision for Fall 2023

reminder to everyone that you are all CAPABLE and BEAUTIFUL and SMART and SO DESERVING of a duke acceptance! and if duke doesn’t want you, they’re blind and don’t deserve you!!! you will accomplish great things—and as i much as i hope you’ll accomplish those things @ duke—you can be sucessful anywhere!! college is what you make of it! besides, who would want to go to a college whose name rhymes with puke :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

edit: only a few more hours of waiting to go!! :DDD


How are you guys feeling??:sunglasses:

There is a plan! Everyone remember that, your door will be closed today if God has a different plan!




Wow - was in this position 10 years ago. Good luck!


Record applications. Low acceptance rates. Deferral and rejection rates vary by school. Some are rejecting more and limiting the deferral pool. With these schools deferral at least means something. Others are doing the reverse. Not sure of Duke’a philosophy on this topic. Good luck!

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I got in!


accepted bb


Denied - disappointed - congratulations to those who get good news today!

Son was deferred. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Congratulations to those who were admitted! Would be interested in your stats if you want to share.

Son (legacy) was denied. There was a special rejection letter for alumni children it seems. 16% acceptance with over 4800 applicants. Congrats to those who get good news!

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Denied :frowning: All US universities seem to have rejected or deferred students from Pakistan in the ED cycle. It has never been this way before.

Very sorry for your disappointment but I would be careful about drawing such broad generalizations. You hardly have the visibility across “all US universities” or all Pakistani applicants to substantiate or even suggest such a conclusion.

Good luck.


You are right, my sample is only Ivies at the moment and students of Lahore.

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4.18 GPA, 32 ACT, Varsity Basketball, Youth volunteering, started a few clubs. Top 30 public high school in CA. ECs were good but nothing extraordinary. Twin sister was a recruited athlete there (amazing facilities!!!) but decided to go Ivy, so I have heard that this could have helped him a little bit if they had both applied…Clearly legacy didn’t help but I do know a lot of alum kids who apply.
I’m a fairly active alum and have been interviewing local applicants for several years now, but have not donated enough for a building or anything. :joy: How about you? Oh well - onward!!! Glad he has other options but this one he REALLY wanted.


admitted :)) so happy! to those who got deferred/rejected - don’t let it limit your success. you could’ve gotten rejected for some obscure random reason (what if ur application reader didn’t have enough coffee before reading ur application?!!!) again, you will do BIG things, and even if it’s not at duke, it’ll be another wonderful university whose name fortunately doesn’t rhyme with puke :nauseated_face:


We were denied :frowning:


Denied. Disappointed. This hurts.

Son denied.

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